
Two Film Manufacturers - One Resurrected

We have had a really mixed bag of weather this summer. When I have arranged to shoot something outside and the weather turns nasty, I cannot always put together an alternative. The end result of this dilemma can mean I end up going online for a while.

Sometimes these forays into the world wide web can be very productive. This week I discovered two film related sites that I was not aware of. Well, I say not aware, one I had heard of before, although I thought it was no longer making film. The other was new to me, but looks interesting.

The first is Ferrania film, who are in the process of recreation from the ground up as a film maker. This means they have the potential to survive if another company stops manufacturing as they will make their entire product on site from scratch. The factory is in Italy, and so far the progress looks promising.

The second one is the previously unknown manufacturer, and it is CineStill. I originally thought this was a film along the concept of LightWorks (I think that was the name) who used to buy up surplus cinema film stock and sell it as photographic film. The trouble with that was that the processing chemistry was very specialised and probably expensive as a result. CineStill film is C41 chemistry, which makes their product much more appealing. The only downside is that allegedly it has a backing to it that can mess up a labs chemistry. I will investigate that further.

I will not repeat what is on the respective websites here, but I have linked both sites above if you would like to take a look. My creative life does not revolve soley around film photography, I am just excited to see it is not as dead as I once feared.